Wild Wanakee Women
Wild Wanakee Women From 2019
Friday, January 24, 2020 - 7:00pm to Sunday, January 26, 2020 - 11:00am
Join us for a weekend full of fun and fellowship at Wild Wanakee Women! Come and explore our beautiful site in the winter and be part of this incredible community.
Walk down to the waterfront or Inspiration Point, or hike up to Lookout (snowshoes available!). Stay warm in the Log Cabin and knit, crochet, read a book by the fire, or play games. Reconnect with old friends and make new ones and spend time doing things you enjoy as you take a break from the pressures of everyday life.
Please note: We anticipate Wild Wanakee Women being a "full" event. If you need to cancel for any reason, please note that payments will be non-refundable after Sunday 12/22.
WWW 2020 will be lead by longtime Wanakee volunteers Jane Sample and Carrie Way.
Registration costs cover 4 meals, snacks, activities, and lodging. This event will be held at the Homestead Retreat up the street from main camp: 149 Arbutus Hill Road, Meredith NH.
Grade or Age
Director / Leader
Jane Sample and Carrie Way
Wanakee Homestead Retreat (149 Arbutus Hill Road)
$95 includes lodging and meals
Registration status and information