A Better Night's Sleep (#BuyABed)
A Better Night's Sleep (#BuyABed)
Each of the last two Junes, as summer approached, this community dug in and provided essential resources to make the Wanakee experience better. In 2016, it was the dollar-for-dollar campaign, which raised over $10,000 and funded immediate needs, plus $1,700+ in gifts for the purchase of new song books. In 2017, it was the #signyourname campaign, which yielded over $20,000 in support of the comprehensive exterior renovation of our historic farmhouse (read more at Signing Your Name & Turning the Page and Midsummer Update: Growth and Generosity). You, the Wanakee community, are remarkable in your generosity.
I write today because Wanakee’s Board of Directors has approved a project that couldn’t be more simple, and we’re hoping for your support. We’d like to buy 100 new beds.
Why? If you know someone who has spent a night at camp recently, they can probably explain. Though we’ve periodically purchased new mattresses (the last batch in 2014) and built ~35 new beds in 2003, this 100 beds plan would lead us to a wholesale upgrade for the majority of our sleeping spaces. Many of our current bed frames were picked up at the closing of Grenier Air Force base in the 1970s by Rev. Phil Polhemus and Wes Darling (co-director of Wanakee at the time). Though these beds have been repaired and reinforced diligently, it’s “normal” for institutions like us to periodically upgrade their furniture. At ~45 years old, we can confidently say we got our money’s worth... especially since they were $0.
Best of all, the new beds we’ve selected won’t just be replacements, they’ll be improvements. How?
Increased sleeping capacity in some cabins through stackable metal bunk beds (can also be un-stacked for maximum flexibility)
36” wide mattresses (most of our current beds are 30” wide)
5” thick mattresses (most of our current mattresses are 4” thick)
No-sag sinuous springs, manufactured in the USA (no squeaking!)
Bed bug resistant (compared to wood bed options)
Premium black powder coating (graffiti resistant)
The mattresses we’ll be improving on
A donation to this project helps campers, volunteers, guests, and staff literally sleep better. As a result, they’ll grow and learn and laugh even more each day. It’s hard to think of an investment more guaranteed to positively impact the camper experience.
Your gift sends a message that you support our accelerated pace of strategic improvements for Wanakee’s facility and program. In keeping with the long running Wanakee tradition of “we built that so we put our name on it,” we’ll celebrate you, our donor, with a plaque or other permanent marker. The costs for the beds breaks down as follows:
$25 = cost of freight for one bed
$44 = cost of one rail / ladder for top bunks (2 rails, 1 ladder per bed)
$90 = cost of one mattress
$300 = cost of one bunk bed frame
$637 = cost of one full bunk bed (50 needed)
You can sponsor a ladder, mattress, or bed on Facebook through our new donate button, or via the Donate page on our website.
While writing this, I was reminded of questions that I hope you’ll ask yourself again today. From childhood until today, has Wanakee…
...shaped or influenced your religious beliefs, spiritual practices, and/or morality?
...deepened or undergirded your faith?
...supported the development of a friendship (or 2 or 10) that has lasted a lifetime?
...made you feel uniquely loved, accepted, or empowered to be the truest version of yourself?
...done any of the above for a friend or family member?
If you answered yes to any of those, consider helping us sustain our outcomes for today’s campers. Your donation brightens Wanakee’s future, amplifies our momentum, and moves our mission forward. Thank you in advance.
Grace and Peace,
James Tresner, Executive Director
P.S. If you’re interested in supporting this project and have questions about it, please get in touch by phone or email!